Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas

We pray that each of you have a awesome Christmas this year with your friends and families! Also, thank you for all that you have done for us through your prayers and financial support. God bless you all.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Here is the Fall 2009 Class at Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru. Aren't they are great looking bunch? The next semester will begin on February 8th.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Great Quote

Peter Marshall once said, "It is better to fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than to succeed in a cause that will ultimately fail."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

November Newsletter


Well, we pray that each of you had a good Thanksgiving with family and friends. We had a very special Thanksgiving meal with the students here at the Bible College. In Peru, they do not celebrate Thanksgiving. No, there were no pilgrims here, only Incas and Conquistadors. But, as you can see from the picture, we had a great time.

Winding Down

We had our graduation ceremony last Sunday night. There were four students who graduated. They were from Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras and the United States. Two of them (the students from Colombia and Honduras) are returning to their home countries and churches to start extension Bible College campuses through Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru. That's pretty exciting. I can think of no better way to spread the Gospel than to train men and women to reach their own people in their own language and in their own culture.

Language School

The boys and I just passed our level three Spanish examinations. I must confess that I had my doubts. It is getting harder with each passing month. We have decided to take the month of December off and return the first week of January. Please continue to pray for us in our language studies.

The Boys

The boys are doing well. Two things of note: First, we were able to get them enrolled in the Lone Scout program through the national office in Dallas, TX so that they can finish their Eagle projects here in Peru. As most of you know, they are now both Life Scouts. Brandon is going to be remodeling one of the dormitories here at the college and Dane is going to be putting together a first aid kit distribution program. Second, both of the boys are now helping to lead worship with a non-denominational youth group that meets here in Lima every Saturday night. It is mostly made of missionary kids. We are so glad to see them involved in ministry.

Summer Missions

Would you like to bring a mission team to minister with us here in Peru? This Summer I will be coordinating teams to come and minister with us here at the college and at our church plants throughout Peru. Just give me a call and I'll share all of the details with you. There is so much need and I know that you and your team will be blessed.

Keep in Touch

Please keep in touch with us. Our phone number here is actually a U.S. number. Its 210-338-2022 and my email address is

Our mailing address is: The Spearman Family, Jr. Trujillo #456, Magdelena del Mar, Lima 17, Peru, South America. Whatever you do, don't put the name of the Bible College on any correspondence. It will get hung up in customs.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tonight will be our graduation ceremony here at Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru. We have four students who will be walking the aisle. Carlitos is from Colombia, Karina is from Honduras, Belen is from Ecuador and Candy is from the United States. My congratulations go out to all four of these graduates. They have each studied hard to earn 80 credits and graduate with an Associates of Theology degree. God bless you guys as you take the next step with the Lord.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Prayers and Praises

My family and I pray that this update finds each of you doing well. We’ve been in Peru now since August 11th and the time is just flying by so quickly. This semester will end in just three weeks. That is so hard to believe, but true. It will end with a graduation ceremony on December 4th. At that time all of the students will be heading home and then we’ll start getting the campus ready for the Spring Semester that will begin in February 3rd.

However, we will not have too much downtime during the break. We have a team of about forty coming in just after Christmas to help us do some pretty extensive repairs and upgrades around the campus. It seems like everything needs a tweak here or there. We also have a new family coming to help us out. They will be moving over from Ecuador the first week of January. We are really looking forward to having them. They are originally from California and have six boys, three of which are approximately Dane and Brandon’s age. We are looking forward to the fellowship.

I’ve just finished putting together the schedule for next semester. We'll be teaching Genesis, Revelation, Systematic Theology, Inductive Bible Study and Acts. Not sure which ones I'll be teaching yet, but most likely Genesis and Revelation. I also look forward to teaching a class in the Spanish program as well. I absolutely love teaching!

Continue to keep us in your prayers. Pray that the Lord will keep our support strong. We see so many missionaries that are discouraged about that. However, we are so blessed to have such faithful supporters. Again, thank you.

Also, pray that we will be able to sell our minivan. Right now a family in Andrews, Texas has it and is trying to sell it for us. It is really taking a toll on us financially. If you guys know anyone that is looking for one, please let me know.

Also, pray for Jannett. She has physically had a rough time since our arrival. She started out with a cold, then the flu and now she is having dizzy spells. I took her to the doctor this morning and they ran a few tests and we are supposed to find out tomorrow what the results are. Pray that the Lord will heal her body.

We would also like to thank the Lord for many answered prayers. We were all able to get our Religious Workers Visas. Now we do not have to leave the country every ninety days. I was also able to get my Peruvian drivers license. Many of you helped me pray about that. The boys and I have successfully completed our third month of language classes. We were also able to get some of our things brought down last week with a friend that flew in from Orlando, Florida.

In conclusion, we just want to thank all of you for the love and support that you continue to give us. You guys are the best and we love and appreciate all of you.

Serving Him in Peru,
The Spearman Family

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October Newsletter

Mission Teams
I have agreed to work with the Bible College to start up a missions program during the Summer very similar to the missions programs that I oversaw at Borderland in San Benito and First Baptist in Brownsville. We are going to use our existing program which is called Youth Summer of Missions as a way to get young people to come and serve as interns during the Summer to help with the teams. They will be trained in Miming, Facial Art, Drama, Evangelism, etc… We will be trusting the Lord to provide the teams to minister here at the Bible College and at our mission churches. Please pray about being a part of it. We would love to have you with us for a week during the Summer.

Men’s Retreat
I was able to take the guys of the Bible College on a Men’s Retreat at the beginning of the month. We went up to our orphanage which is about two hours away and spent a Friday and Saturday. During that time, we had three Bible studies on Master, Mission and Mate and the guys were able to fellowship and do some much needed work around the orphanage. It was an awesome time.

Language School
The boys and I are still very involved in our language classes. We go everyday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. I’m amazed to see how much the boys are speaking and writing now. I don’t realize how much they have learned until I see them communicating with their friends in the youth group here at the church and online with Facebook. On October 29th we will be going into our third month of classes. Please keep us in prayer. Sometimes I feel like my head is going to explode!

Liberty University

The boys are also enrolled in Liberty Home Bible Institute. They just took their first midterm and did an excellent job. When they complete this two year program of study, they will be able to transfer up to forty-two hours into Liberty University. While Jannett takes care of the rest of their homeschooling, it is my responsibility to help them with these classes everyday for an hour. I really enjoy spending that time with them.

Teaching Schedule
I have had the opportunity to teach two classes thus far this semester: Matthew and 1 & 2 Peter. This week I will also be teaching 2 Peter to the Spanish students via a translator. The Lord has also blessed me with the opportunity to speak at the English church and several times at the Spanish church. The Lord knows how much I love to teach His Word and I thank Him for every opportunity that He gives it to me. I also just found out that I’ll be teaching Revelation and Genesis next semester. My two favorite books!

Keep in Touch
Please keep in touch with us. Our phone number here is actually a U.S. number. Its 210-338-2022 and my email address is Our mailing address is: The Spearman Family, Jr. Trujillo #456, Magdelena del Mar, Lima 17, Peru, South America. Whatever you do, don’t put the name of the Bible College on any correspondence. It will get hung up in customs if you do. Our blog is

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Prayers and Praises

I pray that each of you are doing well. The family and I are doing just fine. The boys are at youth group right now and Jannett and I are just enjoying a Saturday evening with our new puppy, Cuzco. He is a shitzu. Cute as can be.

I have a few things that I need for you to be in prayer about for us.

First, I praise the Lord that we were able to get our Religious Workers Visa's with no problem. That was an answer to prayer for sure. However, with the visa came another opportunity. I can no longer drive in Peru with a Texas drivers license. I grabbed the the test real quickly one day last week and ran down to the motor vehicle place and promptly failed it! It's all in Spanish with no English alternative. So, I'm studying 200 hundred questions right now in Spanish. Forty of them will be on the test and I can't miss more than ten. Pray that I'll pass next time because one of my responsibilities here at the college is taking the students and guest teachers to and from the airport. The security there is pretty tight.

Second, pray for the boys and I as we go two hours everyday to our Spanish language classes. It can get a little grueling at times. The brain feels like its going to explode sometimes.

Third, pray for Jannett. She has been under the weather for about a week now. She is on medication and resting. However, keeping up with the boy's home schooling is unrelenting at times.

Fourth, pray for the students here on campus. It seems like one of them is sick all of the time. As you know, it is winter here and colds and flues are rampant. Pray that they will take care of themselves and that God will protect them. Specifically, keep Rosalie in your prayers. She is the one sick now.

Fifth, pray for our boys that they will continue to make friends. It is a much harder change for them than for us. They left a lot of good friends behind in Brownsville, Texas.

Sixth, I just finished 1 & 2 Peter with the students and they all passed their final. That's a praise! Now I need to turn my attention to returning students and new students for next semester. Please pray that the Lord will give me wisdom as I speak with each of them and that the the Lord's will be done in each of their lives. Most are making a tremendous financial sacrifice to be here.

Seventh, I am going to be running the missions program here in the Summer as well. It will pretty much be identical to what I've been doing for the past nine years in San Benito and Brownsville. Please pray that the Lord will bring the teams that He desires to come and that the Lord will put together a good group of Summer Interns to help us.

Finally, I just want to thank each of you for being a part of our ministry here in Lima, Peru. We love and pray for all of you. Your support and prayers are truly appreciated. - Dwayne

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Men's Retreat

Pray for us this weekend. Friday after we finish our Peter class and eat lunch, we are going to load up on a bus (public transportation) and head up to the orphanage in Chaclacayo. The guys are going to spend some time together in fellowship and around His Word and then do a service project for the orphanage Saturday afternoon. Pray that we will have a safe trip up and back and that we would all be drawn closer to Him. Also, pray that the Lord would give me the words as I share in the Bible study times.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

September Newsletter

Fun on Campus

Every couple of Fridays the students will do something crazy just to have some fun. This past Friday, they decided to see who could dress up in the brightest colors. I was one of those who were chosen to pick out the student who dressed up the “brightest.” I must admit, they all looked quite horrible. However, in the end, we decided to give the reward to the one who looked the absolute worst. It was indeed a hard decision but someone had to make it and we gave it to the Carlos on the far left in the picture above.

Study, Study, Study

It seems that our entire lives now evolve around education. Jannett home schools the boys in the morning while I teach classes at the school. Right now, I’m wrapping up one more week of the Gospel of Matthew and preparing for First and Second Peter which will begin on October 5th. Also, the boys and I go to language school every day for two hours. It requires that we take a bus to the other side of town. I keep reminding the boys that I did tell them that we would be spending a whole lot more time together once we got here. Well, I didn’t mislead them. Needless to say, our days are full and our nights are quiet.

Never a Dull Moment

There is never a dull moment around this place. Every day the students get out of morning classes, eat lunch and play a friendly volleyball game. I guess it's a good way to stretch the mind after three s

olid hours of class. What's the old expression? "The mind can only take in what the bottom can endure!"

Keep in Touch

Please keep in touch with us. Our phone number here is actually a U.S. number. Its 210-338-2022 and my email address is Our mailing address is: The Spearman Family, Jr. Trujillo #456, Magdelena del Mar, Lima 17, Peru, South America. Our blog is…

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Spanish Classes

Please keep my boys and I in prayer today as we start our Spanish language classes. We will be going Monday through Friday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. It's a pretty intensive course that lasts ten months. Pray that we'll be able to grasp the grammar quickly.

Also, pray about our transportation to and from the classes. We are trying to find a bus that will take us there every day. They are much cheaper than the taxis. For example, I taxi costs about seven soles ($2.35) and we can get a bus for one sol (.35). There are literally thousands of them. I don't even think the Peruvian's know where they are going. You just have to ask each one. I'll be doing a lot of asking this afternoon around 2:30pm.

God bless you guys and thank you for being a part of our ministry in Peru.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August Newsletter

The Climate
Well, we've been in Lima since last Tuesday night (August 11th). It's been cold! That takes a little getting used to when you’ve lived in South Texas for the past eleven years. It averages around 65 during the day and around 60 at night. To me it can be quite comfortable during the day, but it does get a little nippy at night. Of course, you ought to see the locals; they are layered up like their in Alaska. The good news that I’ve been told is that it does not get any colder.

The other thing that is very different here is that the sun rarely shines during the winter. There is something that happens when the warm air from the pacific clashes with the cooler air from the Andes Mountains that creates a cloudy blanket over the country. I’ve been told that the sun will again begin to shine in December which will be Spring.

Settling In
I’m starting to settle into my new responsibilities here at the Bible College. My roles are twofold. First, is that of Bible Teacher. This semester I will be teaching the book of Matthew and the books of First and Second Peter. I am really looking forward to teaching through those books verse by verse with the students. My second role is that of Campus Pastor. In that role, I oversee the college grounds and the students making sure that all is moving along without any interruptions. The best part of that role is being there for the students and serving as their pastor while they are away from home. I’m already establishing some pretty sweet relationships.

God is Good
God has been so good to my family. He has made Himself so strong in not only our fundraising efforts, but in also giving us total peace in our new calling. I just want to thank all of the churches and individuals who answered God's call to be a part of our ministry here in Lima. “Que chevere!” (Awesome!)

Funny Story
We figured out after our first couple of days that more than half of the cars that we saw on the road were taxis. There are probably more than that. Anyway, the way that you call them is to simply extend your arm. Well, we didn’t know that. So, we’re walking down the street just a pointing at all of the beautiful buildings and stores, etc… and I noticed that every time one of us pointed, the taxis would all scramble in our direction. Once we realized what was happening, it was hilarious. I’m not sure the taxi drivers felt the same way though!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Driving and Teaching

Today was my first day driving in Lima. It was my turn to pick up incoming students at the airport. It went fine. Of course, I've driven everywhere from Mexico all the way down to Costa Rica before. I actually enjoyed seeing the city.

Students will continue to arrive all this week. Orientation will be Saturday and classes will start Monday. They will start out with Church History which will be taught by John and followed by Matthew and then 1 and 2 Peter. I will be teaching both of those classes. Pray that I will get everything together and that I will share what the Lord wants me to and nothing more. It usually takes me about a year to get through Matthew verse by verse. Now, I must do it in three weeks! The class runs every morning, Monday through Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. It should be no problem if I cover about two chapters per day. Easy!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Well, we've been here since Tuesday night. It's been cold! It averages around 65 during the day and around 60 at night. However, I've been told that it does not get any colder. That sounds good to me.

My official responsibilities at the Bible College is twofold. First, is that of Bible Teacher. This semester I will be teaching the book of Matthew and possibly another. Second, is that of Campus Pastor. In that role, I just love on the students and make sure that all goes well on campus. I am really looking forward to what the Lord is doing. The students have already begun to arrive.

God has been so good to my family. He has made Himself so strong in not only our fundraising efforts, but in also giving us total peace in our new calling. Praise His Name!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We Have Arrived

We arrived in Lima last night around 11:00pm. We are so excited to finally be here. It's all we've talked and prayed about for the last two years. I just want to thank every one who prayed for us, talked with us, encouraged and gave financially to us to make this happen. You guys are just as much a part of this ministry as we are. We love all of you.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Packing Woes

Packing is proving to be a challenge to say the least! The first let-down came when the airline told us that we could not carry our guitars on-board the plane because of a permanent embargo on extra luggage for all flights to Peru. Instead, we would have to check them on the plane and they would count as one of our two check-on bags. Well, that can't happen because we have clothes, books, bibles, homeschooling curriculim, etc... that must take priority. We will just have to find a team or person who can bring them down later. Let me know if you're coming to visit and I'll have them mailed to you to bring.

Also, each check-on bag can not weigh more than 50 pounds. That's a tall order. So, we have eight bags and we've been shifting things between those bags to get them as close to 50 as possible without going over. Hope our scales are accurate!

We were also told that we can take a personal item (I.e. purse, laptop, etc...) and a carry-on that can't weight more than 40 pounds. We are currently maxing them out as well.

Other than packing, we are very excited about waking up in Lima, Peru next Wednesday morning. Oh, the weather there is just the opposite of here. It was 104 degrees here in West Texas yesterday and it was 65 degrees there. We are going to have bundle up just a bit. Being in South Texas for so long, that's freezing weather!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Truck

Well, we were able to get the trucks unloaded yesterday. It sure did come out a whole lot quicker and easier than it went in! My son Dane said that putting all of the stuff in the vans was like playing "Tetris" and pulling it out was like playing "Jenga".

One of them was so full that I thought we were going to have to take it out on the highway and slam on the brakes just to get everything off the door so that it would open! Didn't have to do that in the end though. Had some great friends help us out and it went quickly.

That part of the move is over. Thanks for all of your prayers.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Andrews, TX

We arrived in Andrews, TX last night about 2:00am. Boy, it sure was a long drive. We had some friends drive down and met us in Sonoma to drive the last four hours which was a huge blessing after about eleven hours on the road in a U-Haul! Those big things are hard to drive.

Today has been a day of rest at the Armstrong home here in Andrews. Tomorrow we are getting up to unload the trucks. Hopefully, it will come out a whole lot easier than it went in. Going in is like playing Tetris. The more you get in, the harder it becomes.

I want to thank everyone who has helped us make this happen. Your prayers and support are truly appreciated.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Moving Day

Tomorrow morning I have to pick up the moving truck at 8:00am and expect many hands to make quick work of loading it all up. It's amazing how fast time has flown by, but God has been so good to us. We are so ready for what He has for us next. We have lived and served in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas for over eleven years now. Wow! It's all that our boys know. So, this move is very big for them. Please continue to pray for us. We have a lot still to do between now and our flight to Lima on August 11th.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


The Lord continues to meet us at every corner. We asked our prayer team to pray about several items. Two of which was that our house would rent quickly and that we would get the funds to pay for the moving van. Both have been answered! It's just neat to sit back and watch the Lord take care of things. What can we do about it but pray. I mean, if He called, then He has an obligation to provide the things that are needed to make it happen. Remember when Jesus said in Luke 12:25, "And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?" Not one of us can change a thing by worrying, yet we tend to do it so often. Why? We doubt God. I am determined that I will not do that. He is faithful and worthy of my trust. He has never failed me. Luke 12:26-31 "If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest? (27) Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. (28) If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? (29) And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. (30) For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. (31) But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Monday, July 6, 2009

Travel Plans

This is how our schedule looks at the moment. We will be packing up to leave Brownsville on August 1st and 2nd. We will spend our last week in Andrews, TX and fly out of Midland, TX to Peru on August 11th.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Prayer Team

After speaking with a fellow missionary already in Peru, I was reminded that the greatest support that we as a family can have is prayer. Prayer will take us a lot further than money ever will. Would you like to be on our Prayer Team? If so, just respond to this post with your name and email address or send me your name and email address at and I'll add you to the list so that I can contact you when specific needs arise. Thanks! - Dwayne

Sunday, June 28, 2009

FBC Brownsville

I will be teaching at the First Baptist Church in Brownsville, TX this morning. My topic will be obedience as found in the life of Daniel in Daniel 1. Don't tell the congregation but I will really be preaching to myself! Please continue to keep my family in prayer. We still have pressing needs before we go but continue to trust the Lord to provide. Hey, we're so far out on the limb now, we have no choice but to trust Him. Of course, by experience, I know that's a good place to be.

We just put our rental house up for rent yesterday as per the contract with our landlord. It must be rented by August 1st. Also, we are still in the process of raising the necessary support. We are still a little shy on monthly as well as one-time gifts. God bless each of you. - Dwayne

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Word of Thanks

I just want to take a moment to thank the ministries and who have thus far partnered with us in our ministry in Lima, Peru. They include: Calvary Chapel, Dallas, TX; Calvary Christian Fellowship, Midland, TX, Calvary Baptist Church, Andrews, TX; Northshore Bible Chapel, Ingleside, TX; Borderland Calvary Chapel, San Benito, TX; Calvary Chapel, Mount Pleasant, TX and Donna Spearman, Houston, TX. Again, a sincere thank you for supporting our ministry. Please pray with us that the Lord will bring more. - Dwayne

Friday, June 12, 2009


We just returned from a couple of weeks in West Texas sharing our future ministry in Lima, Peru at the Calvary Chapel Bible College. It was a very good visit. Both Calvary Christian Fellowship in Midland and Calvary Baptist Church in Andrews have come along side of us with one-time offerings and monthly support. We really do appreciate both of those churches and their willingness to partner with us. A special word of thanks to Pastor Steve Westfall (Midland) and Pastor Bill Melton (Andrews) for letting me share with their congregations.

By way of financial update, in one-time offerings, we stand at 6000.00. At least 5000.00 of that will be used for flights and shipping to Peru. The other 1000.00 will go toward truck rental and gas to get out of our current rental home and to take our things to Andrews, Texas where a family has graciously agreed to store them. We are still in need of funds for housing, furnishings, and the boy’s home-schooling curriculum for the upcoming year.

We have already resigned our teaching positions and expect to be in Lima around the second week of August. This will allow us a little time to settle in and prepare for the incoming students and the start of the Fall Semester on the 24th. Please continue to pray about how you and/or your fellowship can be a part of this ministry.

In conclusion, I’ve heard from several who have expressed that they would like to help. All I ask is that you let us know as soon as possible so that we can move forward in the confidence that the Lord has provided for us. I’m sure that all of you know what it feels like to be “hanging out on the limb” like this. Also, I must admit that I’m a whole lot more comfortable teaching than fundraising.

In Christ,

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Prayer Request

Please keep my family and I in prayer as we share at Calvary Baptist Church in Andrews, Texas this morning. Following the service, we are going to be making our way to San Antonio for a brief stop-over and then back home to the Valley Monday afternoon.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Still in West Texas

We are still out in West Texas, specifically the town of Andrews. Last night my boys and I had the opportunity to share at Pastor Steve Westfall's congregation, Calvary Christian Fellowship in Midland. Great fellowship of believers. We had a good time with them. Saturday we are going to lunch with Pastor Steve and his family when he returns from California where he was attending the Senior Pastor's Conference in Murrieta.

Sunday morning we are going to share at Calvary Baptist Church in Andrews. Their pastor is Bill Melton. Absolutely, great guy. He has been a friend for several years now.

We will be heading back to the Valley Sunday afternoon.


Monday, June 1, 2009

West Texas

We are currently in West Texas! I will be sharing at Calvary Chapel Midland on Wednesday night and Calvary Baptist Church in Andrews on Sunday morning. Please pray that the Lord will show me what to share with each congregation. Also, my boys and I will be leading the worship Wednesday night and playing a special Sunday morning.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Financial Update

Right now,we are at 5200.00 in one-time offerings. That will certainly be enough to cover our flights to Peru and some other shipping expenses. Any more one-time gifts will go toward us getting a home, furnishings and the cost of homeschooling curriculum for our boys.

Our monthly support stands at 775.00. We really need to raise at least 2000.00 per month before August. Please continue to pray as to how the Lord would have you or your church to be a part of this ministry.

In Christ,

Monday, May 11, 2009

Departure Date

Many have asked about our departure date for Peru. The answer is, "it depends". We have told our current ministry that we will give them a final decision on June 7th. Why June 7th? On that date, our mission board, Shepherd's Staff, will release our donation numbers to us as they do the 7th of every month. If we see that those numbers are reasonably close to what we need for monthly support and "one-time" offerings for flights, moving costs, etc..., we will make the decision to go the first of August. If not, we will recommit to our present ministry for another year. I hope this helps.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our Greatest Need

Dear Friends and Family,

As most of you already know, we have committed to come along side of pastor John Bonner and the ministry of Calvary Chapel Bible College in Lima, Peru. This decision has not been reached lightly. We have spent months confirming this call from the Lord. It is a huge step, but one we feel totally convinced as ours for this time.

Once there, Dwayne will assume teaching responsibilities at the Bible College and will be directly involved in the lives, ministries and spiritual formation of the students. He will also be involved in the six-week Youth Summer of Missions Program where he will lead teens to serve in evangelism throughout Peru.

We are asking that you prayerfully consider how you might be a part of this ministry. At this point our greatest need is to establish a solid monthly support base that will enable us to remain on the field. Our projected budget need will be $2000.00 per month which includes housing, utilities, ministry expenses, taxes, visas and Shepherd’s Staff administration fees.

We will also need to raise a one time offering of $5000.00 to cover the cost of moving, airfare and shipping costs. We need to be fully supported by July 2009 so that we can proceed with plans to be on the field in time for the start of the Fall semester in August.

Thank you for the many ways you have already been a blessing in our lives. We look forward to partnering with you! The Spearman Family

To support us, please go to "Support Information". If you feel led to commit to monthly support, please fill out the "Response Form" and return to Shepherd's Staff so that we can include you in our monthly budget. Our account number is 4507. God bless you!

Answering the Call

After having served in pastoral ministry now for the past ten years at the Borderland Calvary Chapel in San Benito, Texas, God has shown us that we are to go to Lima, Peru to minister at the Calvary Chapel Bible College. We will come along side of Pastor John Bonner and assist him as he leads both the Bible College and Calvary Chapel of Lima.

We are now on staff with Shepherd’s Staff as Mission Facilitators and they will serve as our mission board. Calvary Chapel of Dallas will serve as our sending church.

Our Need - We ask you to consider partnering with us in this new direction for our lives. We are looking to God to provide for us through the financial support of friends and family, as well as those who have a passion for ministry.

We plan to spend the next five to six months putting together a “state-side” ministry team made up of financial, prayer and encouragement support. We are excited to see how God is going to provide for us and how He will bless those who join us in this venture of faith.

In the next few months we will be contacting you to see how you would like to be a part of our team.

For now, please make it a matter of prayer as to how God could best use you in the ministry of Calvary Chapel Bible College in Lima, Peru and the Spearman family.

In Christ,
Dwayne, Jannett, Dane and Brandon