Friday, December 31, 2010

Friends and a New Year

Bringing in the new year with friends.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

The Bible

The Bible contains a lot of literature, but it is not a literature book.  The Bible contains a lot of history, but it is not a history book.  The Bible contains a lot of science, but it is not a science book.  The Bible contains a lot of Psalms and hymns, but it is not a song book.  It is a Jesus book!  Jesus is the message from Genesis to Revelation.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Family Retreat

This past weekend, we were able to get away with one of the families from the Bible College for a few days. We went down to Cieneguilla which is only about 45 minutes south of us. It's still dry, hot desert, but has plenty of mountains. Never seen hills of dirt quite that tall before!

We took all of our children (that's five of their boys and two of ours) and our dog. It was a good time of just doing nothing after a busy semester at the Bible College and at the Christian School. It was a refreshing time. The boys got to swim a lot and Dane and Brandon got to ride four-wheelers for the first time. They had a good time, even though it was a little nerve-wracking for poor old dad. My first question to Dane as he drove away with his helmet on crooked was, "Do you know where the brakes are, son?" He answered in the affirmative and did well for his first time.

During the break, the boys are going to work on their Liberty Home Bible Institute classes every morning and start taking some more music lessons. They are pretty excited about the music lessons!

There is a possibility that I will be making a trip back to Texas on January 8th. I'm still waiting to see how some things pan-out here and will keep you all posted.

God bless you all!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Chapel

All of the students gathered for our last chapel service of the year today. It was fun. We will miss them over the break.

Staff Christmas Party

Here is Jannett and some of the other teachers at the school clowning around during our staff Christmas party last weekend.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Winding Down

We pray that each of you are doing well and that you had a good Thanksgiving with family and friends. We had a great time with the students here at the Bible College. The kitchen pulled out all of the stops. We had turkey, cranberry, stuffing, ham, sweet potato pie, pecan pie, etc… We ate so much that we swore that we wouldn’t eat again until Christmas. Needless to say, we ate some leftovers for dinner!

My third semester here at the Bible College is coming to a close. The students are pretty busy studying for their final exams and preparing for their departures this coming weekend. I gave my Romans final today and I’ll give the 2 Corinthians final Thursday. This has truly been the best student body so far. They were a great group and a pleasure to teach.

Jannett and the boys are doing fine. They are rapidly approaching the end of their school semester as well. They begin their summer vacation on December 17th. Yes, I said summer. We are getting closer to summer and the weather is beginning to warm up pretty quickly during the day.

We do pray that each of you have a wonderful Christmas with your families and I look forward to the possibility of seeing some of you in January.

Serving Him in Peru,
The Spearman Family

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Recent Update

I just took an opportunity to update one of our supporting churches and figured that I might as well share it with everyone.

"We do pray that each of you are doing well. I've heard that the weather up there is starting to change for the colder. Well, it’s just the opposite down here. It’s finally starting to warm up and we’re so ready for it. It’s been a long winter and we want some sunshine!

We are doing fine. The boys are growing “like weeds” as my grandmother used to say. Jannett and I are both looking up to them both now. Where has the time gone? They are doing well in their studies and relationships. We are very pleased with the school that God has provided for them. We couldn’t ask for a more Godly place for them at this time in their lives.

The semester at the Bible College is almost at the midway point. The students are going through Hebrews right now with a guest pastor from Oceanside, California. However, he’ll be wrapping up this Friday and I will start teaching my Romans and 2 Corinthians classes again. I’m ready for it. 2 Corinthians isn’t really that heavy, but Romans is a completely different subject. I told one of the other teachers that I think that book needs to be required every semester just so that we’ll come close to fully understanding it before Jesus comes back!

We do miss all of you. Your fellowship is precious to us. Thank you for supporting our ministry with your finances, but more importantly your prayers. Peru is not our home and we still have those longings for home sometimes. Please pray that the Lord will continue to use and bless our ministries here and that we’ll stay focused on Him."

Until He Comes,
The Spearman Family

Sunday, September 5, 2010

September Update

Lima, Peru
The weather right now leaves much to be desired in Lima. The sun comes out for maybe a few hours each day. The rest of the time, it's cold and damp. For some reason the chill goes straight to the bone every afternoon between about 3:00pm and 5:00pm and then let's up in the evening.

Please keep the students in your prayers. The Fall semester can be very tough on them because of this. I guess that it's sort of a shock on the body to leave summer in the States with temperatures in the high 90's and arrive during winter here with temperatures in the mid 50's. So far, only a few of them have some coughs, but nothing serious. Just help me pray that it stays that way.

Spiritual Emphasis Week

We have been given the opportunity to do Spiritual Emphases Week at the International Christian School of Lima the first week of October. The plan will be to utilize the students in a chapel service in both the elementary and secondary programs. Each chapel service will be followed by a time of games, crafts and discussion groups about the message. Please pray that the students and I will minister to the their needs and that many will come to know Christ.

The Boys

The boys are doing well. The are very busy with their school. I'm shocked at how well they are doing. Actually, it's probably the best academic year they've ever had. I think that their grades are just a reflection of their contentment with where the Lord has us right now. I am very proud of them.

They are also very busy in their music ministries. They both played in what they call a Friday Night Live service last week which is an outreach to the youth in the community around the school and I just dropped Dane off at Calvary Chapel Lima where he will be helping with worship this morning. They also continue to lead their youth group and school chapel bands. It's an awesome feeling to worship with your children on stage. Again, did I mention that I am very proud of them?

Jannett continues to teach at the school. They really do keep her hopping between English as a Second Language, computer and Bible classes. She really enjoys being with the kids. That has always been her passion since day one of our ministry together.

She is absolutely tireless in her efforts to help out. She is already working on putting together a Fall Festival and Talent Show. I joke with the teachers that my little wife does not "go to sleep"; instead she just "falls over" every night. There is a lot of energy in those little batteries!

She is also in the process of setting up some craft classes with the girls on campus and at their upcoming ladies retreat. Please pray that the Lord would continue to use and bless her.

We have the best group of students that I've seen since I got here over a year ago. They are all passionate in their walks with the Lord and so far are doing well in their studies. My schedule is pretty busy but I do enjoy it. I teach on Monday and Wednesday mornings the book of Romans and Tuesday and Thursdays nights the book of 2 Corinthians. Also, every afternoon I go over to the boy's school and teach U.S. History to the 11th graders.

I am also in the process of upgrading my teaching credentials through ACSI by taking more classes at Fresno Pacific University and the Calvary Chapel Teachers College. I have to take at least nine hours of education classes every two years to keep my license current. I really do enjoy the classes. Please pray that the Lord would provide the time and the funds to continue doing this. I still have two more classes to go.

Word of Thanks
We so appreciate all of you and realize that the only reason that we are able to be here and serve is because of brothers and sisters in Christ like you who stand in the gap and help us with your prayers and finances. I joke with the students from time to time when I tell them that the "gospel is free but the freight in expensive". It's true. It takes a lot to keep a missionary on the field, and sadly, I have watch some of them go home simply because of a lack of support. That's why we so love and appreciate each of you and all that you do for us!

Another Visit
I know that it's still a little early, but I want to go ahead and put the word out that I will be coming back to the States at the end of May and most of June next year. The plan will be to visit with our supporting churches and others who would like more information about what Calvary Chapel Bible College in Peru is about. Please let me know if you would be interested in having me come and visit with you or your congregation at that time. My last visit in May of this year proved to be very encouraging.

Serving in Lima, Peru
The Spearman Family

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Palace Visit

Student Field Trip to the Presidential Palace

Monday, July 26, 2010


I was sent this picture of Brandon leading worship last night. I am very proud of him. Dane is not in the picture, but he was on bass right behind him.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Jobs

Both of our boys were offered a job this Summer (winter for us) working in the library at their school re-cataloging and getting it ready for the upcoming year which begins on August 5th. This is Brandon with quite a bit of work to do!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Parque de la Exposicion

Jannett and I with some friends at the Parque de la Exposicion in Lima.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Our Boys

What can I say? They are doing great in school and in the ministries that God has given them. They both play probably three of four times a week for their youth group, school chapels and services at CC Lima. They have just now started accepting invitations to play at other churches and they also play ever other Friday night at an event aimed at reaching the youth in Lima. Music has been something that the Lord has given them both a passion for. They are both better than I could ever hope to have been. I am so proud of them.

Friday, May 7, 2010

May Travels

On the last day of the semester, I will be traveling to Texas on May 14th. During my stay, I will be sharing at several churches what the Lord is doing with the Spearman family and Calvary Chapel Bible College in Lima, Peru. I will be at Calvary Baptist Church in Andrews on the 16th, Calvary Christian Fellowship in Midland on the 19th, Coastlands Calvary Chapel in Corpus Christi on the 22nd and 23rd, Calvary Chapel Dallas in Plano on the 26th and First Baptist Church in Brownsville on the 30th. You can also find my speaking schedule on my website at I will be traveling with my old friend, Aaron Armstrong and we look forward to possibly spending some time with each of you. Please pray the Lord’s protection on my family while I’m away and that the He would provide our travel expenses.

Wrapping it Up

We are just about to wrap up our second semester at the Bible College. It has been a great one. The students have been awesome. We have studied Apologetics, Romans, Genesis, Revelation, Acts, Timothy, Titus, Systematic Theology and Inductive Bible Study together. It’s been an incrediably busy fourteen weeks. They also had the opportunity to go to Canta and San Bartolo, Peru during the semester.

Seventeen of them will be graduating. Twelve from the Spanish program and four from the English program. Please keep them in your prayers as they take their next step.

We have already put the schedule together for Fall 2010. We will be teaching Romans and Apologetics again, Hebrews and Corinthians. Already looking forward to it!