Thursday, September 3, 2009

Spanish Classes

Please keep my boys and I in prayer today as we start our Spanish language classes. We will be going Monday through Friday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. It's a pretty intensive course that lasts ten months. Pray that we'll be able to grasp the grammar quickly.

Also, pray about our transportation to and from the classes. We are trying to find a bus that will take us there every day. They are much cheaper than the taxis. For example, I taxi costs about seven soles ($2.35) and we can get a bus for one sol (.35). There are literally thousands of them. I don't even think the Peruvian's know where they are going. You just have to ask each one. I'll be doing a lot of asking this afternoon around 2:30pm.

God bless you guys and thank you for being a part of our ministry in Peru.

1 comment:

  1. Dwayne,
    spend some time observing the buses that go by close to were you are and then spend some time at the Institute and see if you notice the same buses. The best way is to get off on Conquistadores and walk the two blocks to camino real, it takes less time.
