Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October Newsletter

Mission Teams
I have agreed to work with the Bible College to start up a missions program during the Summer very similar to the missions programs that I oversaw at Borderland in San Benito and First Baptist in Brownsville. We are going to use our existing program which is called Youth Summer of Missions as a way to get young people to come and serve as interns during the Summer to help with the teams. They will be trained in Miming, Facial Art, Drama, Evangelism, etc… We will be trusting the Lord to provide the teams to minister here at the Bible College and at our mission churches. Please pray about being a part of it. We would love to have you with us for a week during the Summer.

Men’s Retreat
I was able to take the guys of the Bible College on a Men’s Retreat at the beginning of the month. We went up to our orphanage which is about two hours away and spent a Friday and Saturday. During that time, we had three Bible studies on Master, Mission and Mate and the guys were able to fellowship and do some much needed work around the orphanage. It was an awesome time.

Language School
The boys and I are still very involved in our language classes. We go everyday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. I’m amazed to see how much the boys are speaking and writing now. I don’t realize how much they have learned until I see them communicating with their friends in the youth group here at the church and online with Facebook. On October 29th we will be going into our third month of classes. Please keep us in prayer. Sometimes I feel like my head is going to explode!

Liberty University

The boys are also enrolled in Liberty Home Bible Institute. They just took their first midterm and did an excellent job. When they complete this two year program of study, they will be able to transfer up to forty-two hours into Liberty University. While Jannett takes care of the rest of their homeschooling, it is my responsibility to help them with these classes everyday for an hour. I really enjoy spending that time with them.

Teaching Schedule
I have had the opportunity to teach two classes thus far this semester: Matthew and 1 & 2 Peter. This week I will also be teaching 2 Peter to the Spanish students via a translator. The Lord has also blessed me with the opportunity to speak at the English church and several times at the Spanish church. The Lord knows how much I love to teach His Word and I thank Him for every opportunity that He gives it to me. I also just found out that I’ll be teaching Revelation and Genesis next semester. My two favorite books!

Keep in Touch
Please keep in touch with us. Our phone number here is actually a U.S. number. Its 210-338-2022 and my email address is Our mailing address is: The Spearman Family, Jr. Trujillo #456, Magdelena del Mar, Lima 17, Peru, South America. Whatever you do, don’t put the name of the Bible College on any correspondence. It will get hung up in customs if you do. Our blog is

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