Friday, May 29, 2009

Financial Update

Right now,we are at 5200.00 in one-time offerings. That will certainly be enough to cover our flights to Peru and some other shipping expenses. Any more one-time gifts will go toward us getting a home, furnishings and the cost of homeschooling curriculum for our boys.

Our monthly support stands at 775.00. We really need to raise at least 2000.00 per month before August. Please continue to pray as to how the Lord would have you or your church to be a part of this ministry.

In Christ,

Monday, May 11, 2009

Departure Date

Many have asked about our departure date for Peru. The answer is, "it depends". We have told our current ministry that we will give them a final decision on June 7th. Why June 7th? On that date, our mission board, Shepherd's Staff, will release our donation numbers to us as they do the 7th of every month. If we see that those numbers are reasonably close to what we need for monthly support and "one-time" offerings for flights, moving costs, etc..., we will make the decision to go the first of August. If not, we will recommit to our present ministry for another year. I hope this helps.