Men’s RetreatWe did

our semester men’s retreat in Canta, Peru. Canta is about three hours northeast of Lima. It was quite a drive straight up to an elevation of 8,600 feet above sea level. Our ears popped the entire way. It was actually a little difficult to breath the first day and it was freezing! Their winter is Lima’s Summer and viceversa. That’s amazing! However, the views were absolutely unbelievable. We had a great time of sharing in the Word together, eating strange food and taking in some awesome sites.
On our way back; we passed through the tiny village of Canta and there were several ladies on horseback who were taking turns at galloping under a chicken that was tied upside down by it’s feet to a wire and trying to pull it’s head off. I’m still trying to figure out what we witnessed!
The BoysThe

boys are doing well. They are growing up so fast that I wish that I could just push the “pause” button. They are very involved in the their school and the church youth group. As a matter of fact, they just returned from their High School Retreat where they helped with worship. We are so proud of them. The Lord has blessed them both with the gift of music. I could just sit and listen to them play together all day. Of course, they play the “new” stuff while everything that dear old dad plays is “old school!”
Surf CampTher

e is so much going on around campus this month. It started with a mission team from CC San Diego coming down to help the church with their annual Surf Camp. There were over 300 youth involved in two separate camps for junior and senior high. The last day of camp, they had baptisms scheduled but had to evacuate because of the earthquake in Chile. The water had completely receded and it was thought to be the beginnings of a tsunami. The picture shows just how far out the water went. By the Lord’s mercies, the tsunami never came. The crazy thing is that the water is still very low around the beaches. It went somewhere and they say it’s not coming back. Needless to say, the surfers are bummed!
My Favorite ThingI am certainly getting to teach to my heart’s content. I usually do morning devotions with the students twice a week and then also teach the evening service at CC Lima. I am also currently wrapping up a book study on Revelation and then will begin another study on the book of Genesis. If you’d like to keep up with these studies, I’m in the process of posting them on my website at
Keep in Touch With UsWe would love for you to keep in touch with us.
Mailing Address:
The Spearman Family
Jr. Trujillo #456, Lima 17
Peru, South America.
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