Every couple of Fridays the students will do something crazy just to have some fun. This past Friday, they decided to see who could dress up in the brightest colors. I was one of those who were chosen to pick out the student who dressed up the “brightes
t.” I must admit, they all looked quite horrible. However, in the end, we decided to give the reward to the one who looked the absolute worst. It was indeed a hard decision but someone had to make it and we gave it to the Carlos on the far left in the picture above.
Study, Study, Study
It seems that our entire lives now evolve around education. Jannett home schools the boys in the morning while I teach classes at the school. Right now, I’m wrapping up one more week of the Gospel of Matthew and preparing for First
and Second Peter which will begin on October 5th. Also, the boys and I go to language school every day for two hours. It requires that we take a bus to the other side of town. I keep reminding the boys that I did tell them that we would be spending a whole lot more time together once we got here. Well, I didn’t mislead them. Needl
ess to say, our days are full and our nights are quiet.
Never a Dull Moment
There is never a dull moment around this place. Every day the students get out of morning classes, eat lunch and play a friendly volleyball game. I guess it's a good way to stretch the mind after three s
olid hours of class. What's the old expression? "The mind can only take in what the bottom can endure!"
Keep in Touch
Please keep in touch with us. Our phone number here is actually a U.S. number. Its 210-338-2022 and my email address is dwayne@ccbcperu.com. Our mailing address is: The Spearman Family, Jr. Trujillo #456, Magdelena del Mar, Lima 17, Peru, South America. Our blog is… www.thespearmanfamily.blogspot.com.