Friday, December 18, 2009
Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Great Quote
Thursday, December 3, 2009
November Newsletter
Well, we pray that each of you had a good Thanksgiving with family and friends. We had a very special Thanksgiving meal with the students here at the Bible College. In Peru, they do not celebrate Thanksgiving. No, there were no pilgrims here, only Incas and Conquistadors. But, as you can see from the picture, we had a great time.
Winding Down
We had our graduation ceremony last Sunday night. There were four students who graduated. They were from Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras and the United States. Two of them (the students from Colombia and Honduras) are returning to their home countries and churches to start extension Bible College campuses through Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru. That's pretty exciting. I can think of no better way to spread the Gospel than to train men and women to reach their own people in their own language and in their own culture.
Language School
The boys and I just passed our level three Spanish examinations. I must confess that I had my doubts. It is getting harder with each passing month. We have decided to take the month of December off and return the first week of January. Please continue to pray for us in our language studies.
The Boys
The boys are doing well. Two things of note: First, we were able to get them enrolled in the Lone Scout program through the national office in Dallas, TX so that they can finish their Eagle projects here in Peru. As most of you know, they are now both Life Scouts. Brandon is going to be remodeling one of the dormitories here at the college and Dane is going to be putting together a first aid kit distribution program. Second, both of the boys are now helping to lead worship with a non-denominational youth group that meets here in Lima every Saturday night. It is mostly made of missionary kids. We are so glad to see them involved in ministry.
Summer Missions
Would you like to bring a mission team to minister with us here in Peru? This Summer I will be coordinating teams to come and minister with us here at the college and at our church plants throughout Peru. Just give me a call and I'll share all of the details with you. There is so much need and I know that you and your team will be blessed.
Keep in Touch
Please keep in touch with us. Our phone number here is actually a U.S. number. Its 210-338-2022 and my email address is dwayne@ccbcperu.com.
Our mailing address is: The Spearman Family, Jr. Trujillo #456, Magdelena del Mar, Lima 17, Peru, South America. Whatever you do, don't put the name of the Bible College on any correspondence. It will get hung up in customs.